woman with low back pain

Revolutionary Neurodynamic Therapy for Low Back Pain
No Surgery, No Drugs, Just Relief

A revolutionary Manual Therapy / Chiropractic method for solving your chronic or acute low back pain problem. A method based on clinical research, with a holistic approach for your spine. This method allows the PT to a)identify the source of your pain -disk bulge, articular facet pain, motor control deficit, spondylolisthisis, or other- b)find resting positions and c)suggest movements that will help you feel relief even from the first session. Gradually, during the next sessions, specialised exercises will restore the mobility of your body, the stability of your lumbar spine.Finally, your mevement will be restored as it was before, or your PT will teach you how to live a good quality of life when in a chronic condition. The treatment is painless and the results are prompt.

It is applicable to patients with :

  • Acute low back pain
  • Chronic low back pain
  • Sciatica
  • Nerve pain, burning leg
  • Unilateral leg pain
  • Unilateral leg weakness

This method is not suitable for patients with:

  • Numbness between the legs
  • Incontinence of any kind
  • Inability to walk
  • Bilateral leg weakness
  • Extremely high BMI

What should the patient expect ?

The treatment is individualised to the patient's condition. The patient will start feeling immediate improvement during the treatment. It includes:

  • Reliefing positions that relief the pressure on the nerve
  • Reliefing movements, proper nerve sliders and tensioners, that allow normal blood flow in your neural tissue
  • Motor control exercises to stabilise your spine and relief nerve pressure
  • Joint mobilizations and manipulations to unblock restricted joints
  • Training on how to handle the condition in everyday life
  • Structured exercise program to give a permanent solution to your problem

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What patients say...

nef xil

Prompt response, great knowledge, helped me a lot with my back pain. I highly recommend him!


Excellent professional and pleasant person! It saved me from excruciating back and lower back pain after pregnancy.

Nikos G.

I woke up with excruciating lower back pain and had to fly to London the next day. Mr. Danalis responded very quickly to my message and visited me immediately to see my situation. In addition to the physical therapy and sports massage which helped immensely he also showed me exercises to reduce the pain in the days that followed. The price was reasonable and I would highly recommend him for similar situations

What is the cost of the treatment

The cost of each treatment is 100 euros. The required number of sessions are usually 6, while treatment progresses in each session. At the end of each session the patient's condition is significantly improved and one knows the steps until complete healing. Continuous communication between the patient and the PT is maintained for ongoing support.

If you have Low Back Pain Contact PhysioDanali today for expert consultation.

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