runner in pain

What Is Patellofemoral Syndrome

It is a general medical term about several clinical conditions in the knee, particularly the patellofemoral joint and soft tissues around it. It is a chronic clinical condition tht worsens with activities such as jumping, running, squats and stairs climbing, and tends to reappear in several cases.

What are the Symptoms fo Patellofemoral Syndrome

Symptoms experienced by patients include:

  • Pain on the knee and anterior thigh
  • Pain deteriotration with running, jumping, squats, stair climbing
  • Pain after exercise
  • Pain during exercise
  • Functional restrictions
  • Performance deteriotation
  • Quality fo life deterioration

Risk Factors of Patellofemoral Syndrome

The syndrome usually appears in :

  • Adolescence
  • Young adults
  • Sports or activities involving jumping
  • Knee strain
  • Load exceeding muscle capability

Differential Assessment

The petient must be assessed by an Orthopedic Physical Therapist, by taking medical history, clinical examination, and clinical tests, in order to determine the tissues affected and prescribe the suitable therapy, or refer to a Doctor. The syndrome involves clinical conditions :

What if I do not treat Patellfemoral Syndrome

Patellofemoral Syndrome, if not properly treated, will become a chronic clinical condition with symptms such as :

  • Chronic pain
  • Episode reccuring every 2 years
  • Functional restrictions
  • Performance deterioration
  • Quality of life deterioration
  • Tendon rupture and other medical emergencies

How can Physical Therapy Help

Orthpedic Physical Therapy is a necessary treatment for Patellofemoral Syndrome. Depending on the assessment outcome, a specialized and individualised treatment is prescribed. First, pain is addressed with specialised exercise, massage and electrotherapy invterventions, which bring an immediate result. Later a strucutred exercise program is prescribed, that will restore mobility and strength and protect from reccuring symptoms. Interventions applied :

If you have pain in the knee Contact PhysioDanali today for expert consultation.


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